Here you can find a listing of all past events of the Society.

Displaying 211 - 220 of 331
Perth WA

Perth - Legal Developments in Construction Law this year

Co-hosted byThe Law Council of AustraliaResolution InstituteThe Society of Construction Law Australia&Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Australia
invite you to their annual seminar on“Legal Developments in Construction Law this Year”Tuesday 29 November 20164:15pm for 4:30pmThe seminar is an annual event summarising important legislative (and  proposed legislative) changes and recent case law

Sunset Canapes at Elizabeth Quay

Strictly reservations only. Click here. 
Melbourne VIC

Melbourne: ACICA/AMTAC Seminar

In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of AMTAC, Peter McQueen, AMTAC Chair invites you to attend an AMTAC Seminar focused on exploring current issues confronting the maritime and transport industry.
Melbourne VIC

Melbourne: ACICA/AMTAC Seminar

In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of AMTAC, Peter McQueen, AMTAC Chair invites you to attend an AMTAC Seminar focused on exploring current issues confronting the maritime and transport industry.
Melbourne VIC

Melbourne: The Lighthouse Club Get Together

The Lighthouse Club welcomes construction professionals to the next Get Together on 10 November 2016.


The Society of Construction Law Australia and the Conference Organising Committee are pleased to invite you to be part of the National Conference 2016 –Building Australia’s Future.
The conference’s speakers include some of the most recognised and respected names within the construction law and building and construction industries.
The National Conference will be held from Thursday 3rd November – Saturday 5th November in Canberra.
Further information can be found here
Brisbane QLD

Brisbane - Book Launch: Rules of the Game

Come join The BCW to celebrate the release of their latest book, Rules of the Game: Women in the Masculine Industries.
Melbourne VIC

Melbourne - How to build a high rise building - Stage 4 Financing & Planning the Project

Following the highly successful seminars on "Stage 1: Architecture," "Stage 2: Geotechnical Engineering" and "Stage 3: Valuing the Works", the Society now presents the next chapter in its series on ‘how to build a high rise building’.  Forthcoming presentations will consider: sales and legal documentation.

Sydney - ACICA: Brexit and its Implications for International Arbitration

ACICA is pleased to invite you to a special seminar event at the Australian Disputes Centre on 24 October 2016. Lord Goldsmith QC PC will speak on "Brexit and Its Implications for International Arbitration". The seminar will be followed by networking drinks.    
Perth WA

Urgent discussion group in Perth on the WA Construction Contracts Act Amendment Bill 2016

**Please note the date of the Event is Monday 10 October 2016. ***
The State of WA will be amending the adjudication system in WA in line with the Construction Contracts Act Amendment Bill 2016. It is believed that this will come into effect on 15 December 2016.