
Most of the documents in this section are only available to members. If you go to a resource page and do not see a link to a file, this means that you are not logged in as a member of the Society. You can log in here.

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 479

Is there a compelling case for a prescribed Construction Code of Conduct to help correct market failure in the commercial sector of the Australian construction industry?

Winner of the 2023 Brooking Prize

The approach to Delay Analysis: Well, what does the contract say?

A highly commended paper in the 2023 Brooking Prize.

Third Party Losses on Building Contracts: Should the Panatown Principle be accepted into Australian Law?

A highly commended paper in the 2023 Brooking Prize.

Weaning Off Expert Witnesses: The Case for Single, Independent Experts in Australian Construction Disputes

A highly commended entry in the 2023 Brooking Student Prize.

A duty of care to prevent pure economic loss in building defect cases: Is legislative reform the answer?

A highly commended paper in the 2023 Brooking Student Prize.

The challenge to timely completion of underground works: A discussion on the use of contractual techniques to mitigate exposure to delays

A commended paper in the 2023 Brooking Student Prize.

Delay Analysis – Prospective, Retrospective and the Bwllfa Rationale

A commended paper in the 2023 Brooking Prize.

Unravelling Complexity: Towards a More Accessible Adjudication Process for Low-Value Claims

A commended paper in the 2023 Brooking Prize.

2023 Financial Statement

SoCLA 2023 Financial Statements.

2023 SoCLA Chair's Report

Report of Ben Davidson, SoCLA Chair, for the 2023 Annual General Meeting to be held on 1 November 2023.