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Displaying 361 - 370 of 478

Report on Security of Payment and Adjudication in the Australian Construction Industry (2014)

The SoCLA report on Security of Payment and Adjudication in the Australian Construction Industry.


Collaborative Contracting Debate - L - Question 2 - Which Contract - 6 mins

Collaborative Contracting Debate - F - Geoff Hardy - 6.5 mins

Collaborative Contracting Debate - M - Question 3 - Successful Project - 12 mins

Collaborative Contracting Debate - G - David Morse - 7 mins

Collaborative Contracting Debate - AA - Introduction to the Evening - 1 min

Collaborative Contracting Debate - N - The Winner and Closing - 2 mins

Collaborative Contracting Debate - H - Marko Misko - 9.5 mins

Collaborative Contracting Debate - B - Introduction to the Speakers - 6 mins

Collaborative Contracting Debate - A - Complete - 1 hr 20 mins