Here you can find a listing of all past events of the Society.

Displaying 131 - 140 of 334
Brisbane QLD

Why managers derail: Exploring the dark side of leadership

John us for a seminar by Dr Vicki Webster of Incisive Leaders.
Effective leaders provide a strategic advantage by maximising productivity and innovation through staff and client engagement. They are able to demonstrate value based leadership, even in the face of frustration and failure. This presentation examines the important role that 'dark side' characteristics can play in predisposing a leader or an emerging leader (at any level of the organisation) to engage in ineffective leadership, and the impact of destructive leadership on others. Results of research investigating personality traits that predispose leaders to engage in, or to inhibit harmful behaviours are discussed.  Our level of self-awareness, and our ability to self-regulate impulses and reactions, can influence whether our personal characteristics become our strengths or lead to derailment.  Strategies to avoid pitfalls and maintain career resilience are shared.
More information is available on this flyer
Online registrations have now closed.  Please email to rsvp.

8th International Society of Construction Law Conference - Chicago: 26-28 September 2018

THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL Society of Construction Law Conference is being hosted by the recently established SCL in North America in Chicago from 26 to 28 September 2018. 
Please click here for more information about the conference.
The full program is available here and a  short version of the program is also available.
Registrations are now open.  Register here
Sydney NSW

AIB Forum "Developing & Building in Bushfire Prone Areas"

SoCLA members are invited to attend the Australian Institute of Building Forum "Developing and Building in Bushfire Prone Areas".
More information is available on this flyer
Sydney NSW

CIOB Property Economic Update

Frank Allen, director of Property Markets for Westpac, will discuss the Sydney market and also touch on what is happening in other States.
SoCLA members may register at CIOB member rate of $30.00.
More information is available on this flyer
Brisbane QLD

The saga of Saipem and GLNG: injunctions, bank guarantees and s 67J of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 (Qld)

Saipem Australia Pty Ltd’s three valiant attempts to injunct GLNG Operations Pty Ltd from calling on bank guarantees left it with what might be termed a ‘flesh wound’. But its efforts leave us with a better understanding of how the notice provision in section 67J of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 should be interpreted, particularly with respect to the term ‘debt due’. Of wider importance is the approach of the Court in each case to the assessment of the balance of convenience in light of the bargain struck between the parties.
More information is available on this flyer.
Online registration for this event has now closed.  For rsvp enquiries please email.
Perth WA

Speed Networking - ARUP, SoCLA, NAWIC

SoCLA, NAWIC and ARUP invite you to a social evening of speed networking.
The event will provide the opportunity to meet senior women within our industry, learn networking tips and skills, and build connections with other people working within construction. Food and drinks to follow.   Price $20.
More information is available on this flyer.
Register at 
Brisbane QLD

But can't I just rely on the words in the contract? Recent appellate cases for and against

Could rejecting a claim relying on contractual provisions be unconscionable conduct even if in strict compliance with the contract?
What if a promise to deliver a complex technical result is hidden away in the specifications – will I be held to that?
Presenters: Michael Trim and Mei Barnes from Level 27 Chambers 
More information is available on this flyer.
Online registration for this event has closed.  Please click here for any last minute rsvps or questions.
Perth WA

Investor-State Disputes in the Construction Sector

Peter Harris & Sean Marriott, members of Clifford Chance's International Arbitrational Group in Perth, will present this seminar on Investor-State Disputes in the Construction Sector.
More information is available on this flyer.
Online registration for this event has now now closed.  Please click here for any last minute rsvps or questions.

SoCLA National Conference - Day Two

Our National Conference "Best Enjoyed in 2030 ... the future of the construction professions" concludes today.
The SoCLA office is unattended due to our National Conference.  Please contact Cathie Witcombe with any urgent enquiries (0400 33 9747).
More information about our National Conference can be found here 

SoCLA National Conference Gala Dinner

The Gala Dinner is a conference highlight