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Displaying 421 - 430 of 478

Alliancing - does it work?

Global Challenges, Shared Solutions

This book consists of papers originally presented at the Fourth International Construction Law Conference in Melbourne Australia in May 2012

SoCLA Delay Seminar 2011 Introduction

Federal Court Jurisdiction and Practice relating to Contractual Claims Justice Lander

SoCLA Brisbane Presentation (Donald Charrett, Anders Axelson)

SoCLA Brisbane Presentation (Michael Creedon)

SOCLA Brisbane Presentation (Trevor Thomas)

SOCLA Brisbane Presentation (John Baartz)

Practical steps to managing the fallout of COVID-19 on engineering and construction projects

A Let's Connect Submission by Tommy Wakefield-Smith

Guy Templeton, President and COO, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Asia, Australia-Pacific, Southern Africa - Interview